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Lets get started!


Download the series of PDF worksheets to complete the tasks. Complete the tasks in their order of appearance to develop your skills incrementally.


Get visualising!


These activities have been designed to test and develop your visualisation skills. Make and use physical models or create sketches to aid your visualisation to complete the tasks. Click on the PDF logo to download the worksheets.


Building Blocks


These worksheets contain Pictorial Views and incomplete drawings of objects constructed from stacked cubes. In the spaces provided, complete the Elevation, Plan and End Views of the Objects and shade in the individual blocks in line with the colours in the pictorial view.


Sketched Orthographic

In this activity, create an Orthographic Drawing from an Isometric View of an object. The tasks get progressively more difficult as learning aids are removed and as more elements are introduced. Complete the views on the grid paper provided.

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